The Albanian National Road Safety Strategy 2011 – 2020 targeted a reduction in the annual number of deaths in road accidents to 250, from the baseline of 378 victims in 2009. The number of casualties was in fact reduced to 227 in 2019 (218 in 2020, with COVID 19 restrictions) but substantial further efforts are still needed as Albania remains among the countries with the highest number of deaths in road accidents in relation to its total population.

Currently, the country is temporarily relaying on the Transport Community Treaty Road Safety Action Plan, which envisages a variety of actions for strengthening road safety management, promoting safer infrastructure, protecting road users, and other initiatives to enhance the cooperation and exchange of experience within the region.

In this context, the Delegation of the European Union to Albania, decided to program and finance a new project aimed at assisting the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and the Albanian Road Authority in the elaboration of a new Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan up to 2030, at strengthening the capacity of the users of the Road Asset Management System and Road Traffic Monitoring and Control System, and at preparing a masterplan for the financing mechanisms for the maintenance of the road network.

A Consortium led by IRD Engineering, with SUEZ Consulting and DRI upravljanje investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture, d. o. o. as partners, have just signed this important contract that will enable them to implement this challenging project with a vision for zero deaths in road accidents by 2050. The project is funded by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

The nominated expert team will also support the institutional reform process and internal restructuring of the Albanian Road Authority in a bid to make it a more efficient, professional, and transparent organization for managing road assets, traffic and road safety. This process will include a revision of the supply and demand management processes, as well as assistance in their embedment into the relevant legislation, regulations, procedures, and overall organizational structure

IRD Engineering is present in Albania since 2010. In the last 14 years, the company has participated in very important and relevant projects in this beautiful country, such as the “Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Management Skills Development in the Albanian Transport Sector”, also funded by the European Union, a technical assistance focused on building capacities necessary to implement the objectives of  the National Transport Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020 in relation to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of PPP schemes on roads.

IRD Engineering counts on a dedicated team of specialists for the provision of Technical Assistance and Capacity Building services to build, improve and maximize capacities in infrastructure planning, procurement, development, operation, and maintenance, by the expansion and strengthening of skills, resources, institutions and legal frameworks.

If at any time you have any questions or want to give us your feedback, please e-mail us at