IRD Engineering Srl offers complete solutions worldwide for a wide range of infrastructure systems. It provides tailored services to suit each project, including master planning, feasibility studies, geotechnical investigations, environmental assessments, preliminary and final engineering design, construction management, quality control, project management, procurement support, capacity building and technical assistance. He has extensive experience in providing consultancy and engineering services in projects financed by major international development banks; EU, EBRD, EIB, ADB, NATO, World Bank and AfDB.

IRD Engineering Srl operates in more than 25 countries, through a team made up of civil female and male engineers, project managers, electrical and mechanical female and male engineers, female and male architects, female and male economists, experts in legal and procurement activities.

The company policy and procedures aim to ensure that the services provided by the company are carried out according to the highest professional level, and consistently with international standards in terms of: quality, sustainability, safety, diversity and inclusion.

In carrying out their work, all people must behave in accordance with the Code of Ethics and the following company principles:

  • equality and equity
  • impartiality
  • centrality of the person
  • continuity
  • life quality
  • effectiveness and efficiency

IRD Engineering Srl particularly values ​​diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace and is committed to supporting them:

  • in supporting the values ​​of inclusion and gender equality
  • in supporting female empowerment
  • to guarantee the presence of women in the company in different roles and equal pay
  • in defending the principle of “zero tolerance” towards any form of violence, including sexual harassment in any form
  • in combating violence and mobbing
  • in overcoming stereotypes and prejudices.

IRD Engineering Srl adopts a management system according to the UNI/PdR 125 reference practice and monitors the reference indicators (KPIs) over time.

The gender equality policy is:

  • defined by the Top Management, in coordination with the appointed Steering Committee
  • communicated and disseminated through the company website
  • object of awareness-raising and internal training
  • reviewed and confirmed periodically during the review phase based on events, changes and monitoring results
  • coordinated by a responsible, designated figure with organizational and gender skills.

IRD Engineering Srl assigns adequate resources, responsibilities and authority to achieve and maintain objectives and allows people to express their opinions and make suggestions, even anonymously.

On the company website is available the form for the REPORTS, even anonymous, of any form of abuse.

Below is the address to use for SUGGESTIONS in order to encourage dialogue and discussion on gender equality issues.

IRD Engineering Srl
CA: Responsible for UNI PDR 125:2022 scheme
Lungotevere delle Navi, 30 – 00196 Rome (Italy)