A Joint Venture composed by the companies Teknik Tempo, C. & S. Di Giuseppe and IRD Engineering have recently signed a new contract aimed at supporting the Regional Water Company Mitrovica (“RWCM”) during the preparation and implementation of the Mitrovica Wastewater Development Project, which is co-funded by EBRD, EIB, and the WBIF.
The Project will provide improved sanitation services to approximately 213,000 inhabitants in South Mitrovica and Vushtrri through the construction of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a capacity of 123,000 population equivalent in South Mitrovica and through the replacement, upgrading and new construction of urban sewers and interceptors.
The project will provide substantial environmental benefits to the ground and surface water resources. Currently, there is no WWTP and all municipal wastewater is being discharged untreated to ground and surface waters. The annual volume of wastewater to be treated at the new WWTP is 6.7 million m3/year, which will result in reduced discharge of untreated wastewater into local water resources.
The overall objective of the assignment is to facilitate the timely and effective implementation of the project by providing all kinds of technical and procurement assistance to the RWCM, which is the water and wastewater utility company covering five municipalities in Mitrovica Region, including the supervision of all works contracts and the implementation of all environmental and social safeguards.
At IRD Engineering we understand that as global development expands, so does the number of environmental problems facing the built and natural environment. Hence, our strong believe in the delivery of services aimed at maintaining the quality of water and the environment.
We provide a wide range of environmental services covering from the planning and design to the management and supervision of works in interventions to supply drinking water both in urban and rural areas. Similarly, in sanitation, IRD Engineering plans and designs sewerage systems and treatment plants as well as supervises and controls their construction.
In addition, we provide technical assistance and train staff from water utilities and other beneficiary institutions on various aspects related to the management of their assets and capital investments.
If at any time you have any questions or want to give us your feedback, please e-mail us at info@irdeng.com