The “North-South Road Corridor Investment Program” is a major infrastructure project in Armenia. It aims at linking the Southern border of the country with its Northern point, being also part of the Asian Highway corridor (AH 82), which connects the Central Asian countries. The reconstruction of the current road of 556 km with an average speed of 60 km/h into a 470 km-road with a 100 km/h design speed will decrease travelling time from over 9 hours to just 4.5 hours and will ensure an easier transit from the Southern border of Armenia to the Georgian border and up to Black Sea ports.

In this context, IRD Engineering has just signed a new contract with the “Road Department” SNCO of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure aiming at the supervision of the civil works for widening and enhancing the Tranche 3 Lanjik-Gyumri road section, 27.5 km-long.

The assignment is financed by the European Investment Bank and all works will be executed under FIDIC Conditions of Contract, Red Book (MDB Harmonized Edition).

For 32 months, a team of international and local engineers from IRD Engineering will ensure that the civil works are implemented in accordance with the provisions of the construction contract, assuming all the powers, duties and responsibilities assigned to the “Engineer” under such civil works contracts.

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