India has the world’s second largest road network and is currently implementing very ambitious multibillion investment programs in road rehabilitation, upgrading and construction. Very illustrative is the fact that 8,169 km of national highways were open to traffic only from April 2020 to January 2021, about 28 km per day.

In this context, the Government of Tamil Nadu received a loan from the Asian Development Bank aimed at the construction of the Chennai- Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP). Part of this financial assistance is applied towards the civil works for upgrading 591 km of State Highways.

These road upgradation works will be implemented as EPC contracts with a 7 years maintenance period. The CKICP will improve the connectivity of ports, transport gateways, industrial nodes, and important urban tourist centres in Tamil Nadu.

In this framework, a Joint Venture composed by Theme Engineering Services and IRD Engineering have just been mobilised after winning a tender aimed at the provision of works supervision services during the construction of a 90 kilometres highway section.

The team will ensure that high quality construction is achieved and that all works are carried out in full compliance with the engineering design requirements, technical specifications, environmental management plan and other stipulations of the EPC contract documents and within specified time periods

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