IRD Engineering has recently inaugurated its new office in Tashkent, capital city of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The company is in fact present in the country since the year 2020, when it signed a contract for a World Bank-funded technical assistance project aimed at the preparation of a sustainable program for road asset management, the modernization of road surveys technology, and the implementation of an overall capacity development package in road safety, road management and road maintenance activities.
Nowadays, almost four years later, our teams are also providing FIDIC supervision services during the reconstruction and upgrade of a 240 kilometers cement concrete pavement section of the A-380 “Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu” road (ADB-funded) and during the rehabilitation of 26 road sections with a total length of 202 kilometers in the Tashkent region (WB-funded).
Last but not least, in December 2023 the company signed its first contract in the water and irrigation sectors: the “Project Implementation Support for the Modernization of 118 Pumping Stations in Andizhan, Fergana and Namangan Regions”, a project promoted by the Ministry of Water Resources, and financed by the EBRD through a 200 million USD loan aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the regional irrigation water conveyancing systems.
Apart from providing project management and technical assistance services in relation to these four ongoing contracts in Uzbekistan, the new office will also serve as a Regional Office for Central Asia. With three additional ongoing contracts in Kazakhstan and one more contract in Kyrgyzstan, IRD Engineering is steadily consolidating its presence in this strategic region with acute needs in the fields of infrastructure maintenance and construction.
Proximity, commitment, innovation, honesty, technical excellence…There are key focus areas for IRD Engineering. We are constantly evolving in our discerning, our approach, our technologies, and in our systems. This new office represents a reassurance of our commitment to our partners and clients in the Central Asia.
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