A consortium composed by IRD Engineering and IIPP is providing support to Roads of Serbia, the public enterprise responsible for the maintenance, development and management of state roads in the Republic of Serbia, in the preparation of a Road Safety Management System that will lead to its certification under ISO 39001. The assignment is funded by the Central European Initiative Fund, under the supervision of EBRD.
ISO 39001 is a standard for management systems for road traffic safety. It requires the implementation of appropriate policies and the definition of objectives and action plans, enabling organisations to influence a reduction in the number of road deaths and serious injuries in collisions.
A team of specialists from the partner companies has undertaken a review of the situation and a gap analysis, has developed an action plan and a roadmap for Roads of Serbia’s ISO 39001 certification, has assisted in the preparation of a Road Safety Management System, and has implemented a training program for relevant staff.
For more information, please contact us at info@irdeng.com