IRD Engineering has been providing engineering services in Kosovo since its early days in year 2000, mostly in relation to the reconstruction efforts after the conflicts that this region suffered in the 90s.
Nowadays, we continue working on several projects, mainly related to the design and supervision of works for public buildings and transport infrastructures. Worth highlighting are:
- The construction supervision of a border crossing between Kosovo and North Macedonia;
- The design and supervision for the construction of a new kindergarten in Pristina;
- The supervision of works for the High School Centre in Gracanica;
- The supervision of the refurbishment of Mitrovica Bridge; and
- The design and supervision of the extension and refurbishment of municipal buildings in Gjakovë/ Ðakovica.
All these contracts are funded by the EU, who for the last 20 years have made a big effort to sponsor the reconstruction and stabilisation in the region.
For more information about our activities, please contact us at
*IRD maintains a neutral position vis a vis the political affairs in all regions where we operate. The designation for Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status.