The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan has received a loan from the EBRD to upgrade the existing 2-lane Ganja – Gazakh – Georgian Border Road (M2) to a four-lane road. The proposed upgrade to four lanes includes the construction of a new 2-lane carriageway by parallel widening adjacent to the existing road, as well as the construction of a new 4-lane road in new alignments for bypassing villages and towns.
Thanks to the new contract, during the next three years, a team of engineers from IRD and its partner companies will assist the State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads in the administration of the Bank-funded works contracts carrying out the duties of the Engineer as defined in the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction for Works designed by the Employer (FIDIC MDB 2010).
IRD Engineering has been working in Azerbaijan since 2010. Up to date, the company has implemented several IFI-funded projects in the country, mainly in the field of road infrastructure.