The architectural design was performed by a team from IRD Engineering, who also supervised all works

The Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo*, H.E. Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog, together with the Mayor of Klina, Mr. Zenun Elezaj, have recently inaugurated the upgrade works at the Main Centre of Family Medical Care in Klina.

The intervention was financed by the European Union and managed by the EU Office in Kosovo (EUOK) within a wider program aimed at improving access to public facilities for persons with disability and reduced mobility in various public buildings located in different municipalities.

Selected buildings proposed for intervention include municipal buildings, schools, centres for social work, cultural centres, and health centres, as the recently rehabilitated one in Klina.

Typical interventions comprise the construction of ramps, the installation of equipment for accessibility to different heights and other facilities needed to ensure a safe access to buildings, and the construction or renovation of accessible toilets.

IRD Engineering is leading the provision of engineering services for the whole program, which is organised in two phases. During the first phase our team undertook the detailed designs and tender documents for all works in accordance with the relevant local and international safety standards and the EU PRAG rules. During the second phase, IRD Engineering provides supervision services during the works implementation and defect liability period, for the successful execution of all the construction works.

If at any time you have any questions or want to give us your feedback, please e-mail us at

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.