Project Details

European Investment Bank  (Promoter: Transport Project Implementation Organization SNCO)


Practice Area:
Transport Infrastructure

Project Management and Works Supervision

North – South Road Corridor Investment Program: Technical Assistance for the Construction Supervision of Tranche 3 – Lanjik – Gyumri Road Section

The “North-South Road Corridor Investment Program” is a major infrastructure project in Armenia which aims at connecting the southern and northern borders of the country through the 556 km-long Meghri – Yerevan – Bavra highway. The completion of this highly strategic road will provide an easier flow of traffic from the southern part of Armenia to the Georgian border and up to Black Sea ports.

The North-South Road Corridor Project is divided into 5 Tranches. Tranche 3 is made of two road sections, the first, Talin – Lanjik (km 71+500 – km 90+200; length 18.7 km) founded by Asian Development Bank, and the second Lanjik – Gyumri (km 90+200 – km 117+670; length 27.47 km) funded by the European Investment Bank.

The specific objective of the service contract was to support the Transport Project Implementation Organization by providing works supervision services for the construction of the second section of Tranche 3 (Lanjik – Gyumri).

The road category is currently class II with 2 opposing traffic lanes. After reconstruction, the road category will be technical class I with 2 traffic lanes in each direction and a central separation to ensure road safety.

The civil works for the Tranche 3 Lanjik-Gyumri 27.47 km road section are executed under the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Conditions of Contract for Construction, Building and Engineering Works designed by the Employer (Multilateral Development Bank Harmonized Edition, June 2010).