Project Details

Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A.


Practice Area:
Transport Infrastructure

Engineering Design

Project Management and Works Supervision

Framework Contract for Engineering Services for the Maintenance of the Road Network Operated by Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A.

Framework contract for the provision of engineering services, including the design, health and safety management and works supervision, to be carried out on the highway network managed by Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. (“ASPI”).

This new assignment involves a series of structural and road maintenance interventions, specifically for the two lots awarded, in the Territorial Directions of Genoa DT1 (Lot 1) and Bologna DT3 (Lot 3).

ASPI is Italy’s leading motorway operator with a network under concession of about 3,000 km, equal to around 49% of the entire Italian toll network, and one of the main motorway mobility operators in Europe. The Group is committed to implementing a €21 billion capital expenditures and maintenance program by the year 2038. This endeavor ranks among the most important infrastructural development initiatives in Italy, and it will be predominantly carried out in the coming years, with significant implications in terms of employment and overall economic growth.