Project Details

Public Enterprise “Vodovod i Kanalizacija Skopje”

North Macedonia

Practice Area:
Water and Municipal Infrastructure

Project Management and Works Supervision

Contract Administration and Supervision of Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant for the City of Skopje

Skopje was one of the few capital cities in Europe without any substantial wastewater treatment. Instead, raw sewage is disposed of directly into the river Vardar, polluting the environment and affecting the livelihoods of people living downstream of the area, in North Macedonia and in Greece.

The new plant will treat 51.3 million m3 of domestic raw sewage per year, returning the effluent safely to the receiving environment, significantly reducing pollution levels in the Vardar River and improving ecosystems and the wellbeing of people. The plant will cover nine of the ten municipalities that constitute Skopje and have a capacity of 650,000 population equivalent.

The overall scheme is being co-financed by the EIB, the EBRD and the EU, with an estimated overall cost of roughly 137 million Euro, including a grant of 72.7 million Euro from the EU WBIF, which confirms the unconditional support of the European Union to advance in the accession process of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The new contract has a foreseen duration of 72 months (36 months of Design and Construction, 24 months of Trial Operation, and 12 months of Defects Notification Period). Works will be implemented under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build, First Edition 1999 (Yellow Book).